Does this sound like a page from your diary?


Turn the Page on Emotional Overwhelm:
Your Next Chapter Starts at the Emotional Freedom Sanctuary

Turn the Page on Emotional Overwhelm

Your Next Chapter Starts at the Emotional Sanctuary.
If that looks like a page from your personal diary, and you're ready to say goodbye to stress, anxiety, and emotional overwhelm, then say hello to your new beginning at the Emotional Freedom Sanctuary. 

Imagine waking up each day with a sense of inner peace, ready to face life's challenges with strength, grace, and wisdom. Picture yourself flowing through your day with ease and joy, in harmony with the universe. This isn't a dream; it's what emotional freedom feels like, and it's what the Emotional Freedom Sanctuary is committed to helping you achieve. We go beyond temporary fixes; we're passionate about facilitating deep, lasting healing. 

You're not alone on this healing journey, you're joining other women who are also on their path to emotional freedom. This is a safe and nurturing space where your voice is heard, your experiences are valued, and you're cherished and supported just as you are.

Our sanctuary offers more than just knowledge; we provide the tools and guidance to reshape your life. Imagine feeling emotionally balanced, authentically yourself, and fully present in every moment. Whether it's savoring a peaceful morning, confidently navigating work challenges, or forming deep connections with loved ones, this is the life you can create for yourself. And it all starts here.

Say Goodbye to  Anxiety, Fear, & Self-Doubt.

Join Our Community and Discover:
Letting Go: Release the pain from past experiences.
Authentic Self: Embrace who you truly are.
Joyful Living: Create a life filled with love, success, and happiness.

This is more than a community; it's your new beginning.

Membership Length:
  • 1 month
  • 3 months (save $31)
  • 12 months (save $167 + exclusive bonuses
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Emotional freedom sanctuary: a healing place for women

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Are you tired of smiling and pretending everything is ok while losing hope each day?

Imagine waking up each morning with a sense of peace, excited to face the day's challenges. You're not alone—join hundreds of women who have already transformed their lives with us. 

Welcome to the Emotional Freedom Sanctuary: 
Your safe haven for transformation, designed exclusively for women ready to heal from past traumas. This is more than a community; it's your new beginning. 

Join Our Community and Discover: 
Letting Go: Release the pain from past experiences. 
Authentic Self: Embrace who you truly are.
Reclaim Your Joy: Find happiness and peace in your daily life.

Introducing Emotional Freedom Sanctuary:
A Healing Community for Women

Introducing Emotional Freedom Sanctuary:
A Healing Community for Women

Are you tired of putting on a brave face, smiling for the world while your heart aches with loneliness, anxiety, and overwhelm? Know that you're not alone, and change is possible.

Why I Created the Emotional Freedom Sanctuary:

I've walked in your shoes—feeling trapped in my own mind, a prisoner to my thoughts and emotions. I hid from the world, feeling judged, misunderstood, and incredibly lonely. My journey to emotional freedom was long and isolated, but it led me to a life of self-love and emotional well-being. I realized that healing doesn't have to be a lonely journey; it can be a community experience filled with support, love, and understanding. 

Your Safe Space for Deep Healing:

That's why I created the Emotional Freedom Sanctuary—a haven where you can be your true self, unburdened by societal masks or judgments. This isn't just about understanding your emotions; it's about healing them at their core. You'll dive deep to uncover and address the root causes of your emotional struggles, setting the stage for a life filled with peace, success, and happiness. 

A Community That Cheers You On:

And you won't be doing it alone. You'll be part of a community of incredible women who are all on their unique paths to emotional freedom. Imagine the power of collective healing, where each member's breakthrough uplifts the entire community. Here, you're not just another face in the crowd; you're a cherished member of a sisterhood that supports, inspires, and empowers each other. 

Together, We'll Remove Our Masks: 

So if you're ready to take off that mask and step into your authentic self, join us at the Emotional Freedom Sanctuary. Together, we'll remove our masks, heal our emotional wounds, and embody our authentic selves—all while being cheered on by a community that understands your journey and celebrates your victories. 

what this means for you:

what this means for you:

Say Goodbye To:

Loneliness and Isolation:No more feeling like you're navigating your emotional struggles alone. 

⛔ Constant Anxiety: Release the grip of anxiety that's been holding you back from truly living. 

⛔ Self-Doubt: Eliminate the nagging voice that says you're not good enough or worthy of happiness. 

⛔ Emotional Band-Aids: Stop relying on temporary fixes that don't address the root causes of your emotional pain. 

⛔ Feeling Stuck: Break free from the cycle of emotional turmoil that's been keeping you from moving forward.
Say Hello To:

A Supportive Sisterhood: Join a community of like-minded women who uplift, inspire, and understand you. 

Emotional Freedom: Experience the liberating feeling of taking control of your emotions and reactions. 

Unshakable Confidence: Step into a new version of yourself, confident and empowered to face life's challenges. 

Holistic Healing: Engage in deep emotional work that heals you from the inside out, setting the stage for lasting transformation. 

A Life of Purpose and Joy: Reclaim your happiness and step into a life that's aligned with your true self and aspirations.
Say Hello To:

A Supportive Sisterhood: Join a community of like-minded women who uplift, inspire, and understand you. 

Emotional Freedom: Experience the liberating feeling of taking control of your emotions and reactions. 

Unshakable Confidence: Step into a new version of yourself, confident and empowered to face life's challenges. 

Holistic Healing: Engage in deep emotional work that heals you from the inside out, setting the stage for lasting transformation. 

A Life of Purpose and Joy: Reclaim your happiness and step into a life that's aligned with your true self and aspirations.

Here’s What’s Included in This life-changing community:

Here’s What’s Included in This life-changing community:

Emotional Freedom Monthly Masterclass ($197 Value)
These aren't your typical webinars. Each month, we dive into emotionally enriching topics that are vital to your well-being—from conquering self-doubt to healing past wounds. This is more than education; it's a journey toward emotional and mental transformation. 

Personal Power Playbook ($97 Value)
Consider this your monthly emotional roadmap. It's not just a journal; it's a guided experience designed to help you internalize and apply the transformative insights you've gained. Navigate your emotional landscape with more clarity and confidence than ever before. It's like having a mentor, but in the form of a thoughtfully crafted playbook. 

Monthly Live Q&A Calls ($197 Value)
This is your direct line to me, Jacqui, your guide on this journey to emotional freedom. In these intimate sessions, you can ask your pressing questions, seek personalized advice, and gain insights tailored to your unique journey. It's like having a heart-to-heart with someone who's been where you are and knows the way out.

Quarterly Emotional Freedom Experience ($497 Value)
This isn't just another course; it's a soul-nourishing experience that will fundamentally shift how you approach your life. Imagine feeling confident about yourself and your decisions. Picture yourself navigating life's challenges that once caused you anxiety and overwhelm with wisdom and strength. You'll emerge from this experience with a renewed sense of peace and emotional freedom that enriches every area of your life.
Private Community Support ($97 Value)
This is your sanctuary—a safe space where you can share your victories and challenges without judgment. It's a community of kindred spirits who are all on their unique paths to emotional freedom. Here, you're not just supported; you're deeply valued and accepted.

Accountability Partners (Priceless)
The road to emotional freedom can be complex, but you don't have to navigate it alone. We provide a space where you can naturally connect with like-minded individuals. Together, you'll serve as each other's emotional cheerleader, making this transformation meaningful and profoundly impactful. 

Surprise Pop-Ups and Lives (Varies)
Who says healing can't be filled with joy and surprises? We infuse your journey with unexpected, uplifting moments—from spontaneous live sessions to surprise gifts, keeping your healing journey as dynamic as you are. 

Exclusive Perks (Varies)
Enjoy first dibs on our latest tools and resources, designed to fast-track your journey to emotional freedom. You'll be the first to experience our newest innovations, all aimed at deepening your emotional mastery.
All of This, For Less Than You'd Imagine 

You might think that a transformative experience like this would cost a fortune. And you'd be correct—if we priced it based on the life-changing value it provides. 

However, because I'm committed to making emotional freedom accessible to as many women as possible, I've decided to offer all of this for just $97/month. 

Yes, you read that right! For less than the cost of a daily coffee, you can invest in your emotional well-being and join a community that genuinely cares about your growth. 

Cancel Anytime, No Strings Attached

We're so confident that you'll love being part of our community that we offer a flexible cancellation policy. If at any point you feel that the Emotional Freedom Sanctuary isn't for you, you can cancel your subscription by emailing our support team—no questions asked.

How to Release Blocked Emotions Workbook ($149 value)

Comprehensive Workbook: This detailed workbook is designed to perfectly complement the training videos. It includes step-by-step templates, easy-to-understand diagrams, and fill-in-the-blank healing scripts that can be easily tailored to your specific emotional challenges. This makes the journey to emotional freedom as straightforward and personalized as possible.



GIFT 1: The Roots of Your Disempowering Beliefs ($149 Value)

This bonus training helps you gain a profound understanding of where your disempowering beliefs originate from and why you constantly recalling painful memories. By understanding the roots, you'll be better equipped to dismantle these emotional triggers.

GIFT 2: Release Painful Events Without Diving into Details (Priceless)

Learn a powerful method for releasing painful events, even when you're unsure of the root cause of your emotions. This training offers a unique approach that allows you to let go of emotional baggage without having to confront or relive distressing memories. It's a safe, effective way to achieve emotional freedom on your terms.
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Hi I'm Jacqui Letran.

I'm a Mindset Mentor and Holistic Healer with a background in both traditional medicine and holistic practices. A decade ago, I made the life-changing decision to leave my medical clinics behind.

I used to prescribe medications that would only mask the symptoms of emotional distress. But deep down, I knew that wasn't enough. I knew that to truly heal, we need to get to the root of our emotional challenges. So, I shifted my focus and dedicated myself to empowering incredible women like you to take control of their own minds, and in doing so, reclaim their lives.

Over the past decade, I've been on an awe-inspiring journey, helping thousands of women rediscover their inner strength, embrace their true worth, and find their own paths to happiness. Through these transformative experiences, I've crafted a system that doesn't just put a band-aid on your wounds—it helps you heal from the inside out.
The results have been nothing short of miraculous. Women have not only found relief; they've found themselves. That's why I've poured my heart into creating this self-study program. I want to share this life-changing journey with you, to give you the tools to release those emotional barriers that have been holding you back.
Don't let overthinking, past traumas, or the need for external validation hold you back any longer.

Today, I invite you to take the next step in your journey toward emotional mastery. With this expert-backed, holistic system, you can release your emotional barriers and cultivate the inner peace and self-confidence you need to live the life you not only desire but truly deserve.  

Real People. Real Results.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Krista B. 
"WOW! I've already started noticing shifts in my life just in the last few days and can’t wait to see more as I continue to practice."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Lucille S. 
"Jacqui's method is pretty powerful and it's amazing that it can bring up the emotions and clear them."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Dessi D. 
"Jacqui's tools helped me begin rebuilding the life I've always wanted for myself and my son. I'm now at peace." 

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Stephanie D. 
"I've worked through some deep issues and have noticed a significant positive shift in my emotional well-being."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Yassin H. 
"You helped me heal and learn self-love. I can see my path which led to my success in the past two years. Words cannot express how happy I am."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Kimberly A. 
"I have learned so many new techniques and methods of dealing with my emotions. Feeling in control of my own life is priceless."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Sheila R. 
"I can truly say as I walk away from Jacqui’s program is that my outlook in life has changed dramatically for the better. I am a much happier person now."
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Crystal G. 
"I've been using the course scripts for almost a week and am able to release the anxiety and stress caused by the belief that I'm not safe."

In the unlikely event you're not satisfied, we offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. There's nothing to lose and a lifetime of emotional freedom to gain.


What Is Release and Reclaim?

The Release and Reclaim Method is a holistic approach to emotional well-being that combines science, psychology, mindfulness, and holistic healing techniques. It's a deeply healing process that empowers you to let go of lingering emotions and find true closure from past traumas, paving the way for a life of authentic happiness and inner peace.

How Is This Program Different From Other Courses?

Unlike other courses that hold back information to upsell you later, we provide you with the complete system in full detail for just $197. It's a complete system designed to offer quick yet lasting results by addressing the root causes of your emotional distress. This comprehensive approach ensures that you're not just putting a band-aid on your issues, but truly healing and transforming your emotional well-being for the long term.

How Is the Program Tailored to Meet My Unique Needs?

The Release & Reclaim program is structured to be highly flexible, allowing you to adapt its tools and exercises to your own emotional hurdles and aspirations. This ensures that you're not applying a generic solution to your unique emotional landscape, but rather engaging in a transformative journey that's as individual as you are.

Who Is This Program For?

This program is for anyone who is tired of being a prisoner to their thoughts and emotions and is ready to take control of their mental and emotional well-being. If you're eager to live authentically and are willing to invest in your personal healing journey, this program is for you.

Does This Replace Therapy?

While this step-by-step program is powerful in helping you release blocked emotions, it’s not a replacement for therapy or medical advice. Always seek the advice of your medical provider to ensure the best care for yourself and your particular circumstances.

What Is Your Refund Policy?

We offer a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. We're confident in the transformative power of this program, but we understand that it may not be for everyone. If you find that it's not a good fit for you, you can request a full refund within the first 30 days by emailing

Your Personalized Path: A Summary of What's Inside


How to Release Blocked Emotions Training Videos ($495 value) 

In-Depth Training Videos: These expertly crafted videos guide you through a scientifically-backed, holistic approach to emotional well-being. You'll learn how to identify, understand, and release the blocked emotions that have been holding you back, setting the stage for a life of emotional freedom and inner peace.


Comprehensive Workbook: This detailed workbook is designed to perfectly complement the training videos. It includes step-by-step templates, easy-to-understand diagrams, and fill-in-the-blank healing scripts that can be easily tailored to your specific emotional challenges. This makes the journey to emotional freedom as straightforward and personalized as possible.

2 Power-Packed Fast Action Gifts:


 GIFT 1: The Roots of Your Disempowering Beliefs ($149 VALUE)

This bonus training helps you gain a profound understanding of where your disempowering beliefs originate from and why you constantly recalling painful memories. By understanding the roots, you'll be better equipped to dismantle these emotional triggers.

GIFT 2: Release Painful Events Without Diving into Details (Priceless)

Learn a powerful method for releasing painful events, even when you're unsure of the root cause of your emotions. This training offers a unique approach that allows you to let go of emotional baggage without having to confront or relive distressing memories. It's a safe, effective way to achieve emotional freedom on your terms.

Take the Next Step

Don't let fear, overwhelm, or self-doubt hold you back any longer. With this expert-backed, holistic program, you can cultivate the inner peace and self-confidence you need to live the life you truly deserve.
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